
Are you looking a therapist who is able to support you on all levels during your journey to becoming a mother?
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Fertility & Maternity Treatments |
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Can Reflexology help me to conceive?
I have over 20 years experience in supporting women who are struggling to conceive and have found that reflexology may help to create a good physical environment for conception to occur when the time is right (also see: www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-20980/Is-reflexology-new-cure-infertility.html).
During the initial consultation, there is plenty of space for you to talk freely about your conception journey whilst I practise deep listening techniques. Some of my clients may have only just started to think about having a baby and may be trying to reduce stress and boost their fertility with natural therapies. Some will have been trying to conceive for a little while and may have had miscarriages and IVF treatments. And for a good number of my clients, they have been trying for many years and nothing seems to work. Wherever you are at, I totally get it. I get the pain of not conceiving when you expect to. I get the frustrations of friends falling pregnant easily around you. I get that you are looking for that 'one thing' that will improve your chances this month. It can be a super stressful time!
Reflexology will enable you to relax deeply on all levels. When the body is relaxed, the mind stills and healing, if necessary, can begin. I am grateful to have worked with many women who have conceived naturally. Other clients conceive via fertility treatments and IVF. But equally, I'm just as proud of my work holding the women who take longer than most to conceive. Who doubt that it will ever happen for them. I am here for you all. I provide a safe, caring space where the stresses and pressures of conceiving (naturally or through medical treatment) can be lightened.
Please feel free to contact me for a free telephone consultation in the strictest confidence.
How can Reflexology help me during pregnancy?
Reflexology is a gentle treatment to have during your pregnancy. It may be able to help you with a wide range of ailments, from morning sickness and heartburn, to muscular skeletal pain and headaches. It is a wonderful treatment for anxiety and stress too.
Regular reflexology treatments have been shown by Obstetrician Gowri Motha in her book Gentle Birth Method to be:
Safe during pregnancy
Can help with minor ailments during pregnancy
Improved labour outcomes: reduced labour time; less intervention
Normalised hypertension, avoiding hospital stays
Increased sense of well-being
Improved sleep
Reduction in foot/ankle swelling
Mother feels supported mentally, emotionally and physically
How can Reflexology help me to prepare for birth?
Regular reflexology treatments allow the mother to be well prepared for birth by having the space and time to explore her attitudes, hopes and fears for labour in a safe, encouraging environment. I have supported women in making the right birth choices for her, be it working towards a home birth, a vaginal birth, a VBAC or planned c section. I can help with birth preparation, breathing techniques and more.
How can Reflexology help me with a Breech Baby?
Many of my clients over the years swear that reflexology helped their breech baby to turn. Of course as with anything holistic, it's very much a case of giving this a try and seeing how it works for each person. This is usually a one off 'baby turning' session.
How can Reflexology help me with Birth Trauma?
Birth Trauma can be an extremely distressing experience, affecting the first few months parenting. It can cause high states of anxiety and emotional states, which can be debilitating for a new mother . This can lead to a feeling of being a bad mother and all the guilt and feelings of low self esteem that go with this. They often get diagnosed with Post Natal Depression when the underlying cause of despair is their birth experience. Women often come to me for Birth Trauma support when they are thinking about trying for another baby and fear giving birth again. For women with a previous birth trauma, I offer a birth listening session, using Reflexology, Deep Listening and often EFT Tapping techniques to help process birth trauma. Once the birth has been processed, my clients have reported feeling accepting and peaceful about their birth and ready to conceive again.
How can Reflexology help me during the post natal period?
Reflexology is incredibly helpful during the post natal period, helping with processing birth experiences, establishing milk production and balancing hormones, to avoid the 'baby blues'. Reflexology can help to promote a joyful and peaceful post natal period, despite the fact that emotions and whole life may have just turned upside down! As the months go on, Reflexology provides some much needed 'me-time', space to be to rebalance - the ultimate self care.
Reflexology Induction Treatments
I have given thousands of 'Reflexology induction' treatments, prior to labour. For some this treatment can be very effective in helping to start labour within a few days. However this treatment does not work for everyone. Again, as with anything holistic, it's very much the case of giving it a try and seeing if it works for you.
First there is a chance to talk at length about the upcoming birth and time to explore any fears and anxieties. We can also cover any last minute birth preparation. This is followed by a deeply relaxing treatment, addressing any physical symptoms that may need soothing such as swelling and heartburn. Specific points on the feet are stimulated gently that may encourage labour to start, when the time is right.
The aim of this treatment is to clear the path for you and your baby's birth journey and most importantly, empower you that your body is fully capable of going into labour naturally.
One off treatments work best after 40 weeks. If you are looking to go into labour by 40 weeks, then 3 weekly sessions before your due date are recommended for the best effects.
Please contact me via rachael.posener@gmail.com or call 07939 135 481 during normal working hours.
Please also feel free to visit my Halcyon Health Facebook Group and follow me on Instagram. |
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My treatment room is in St Albans, Herts and I regularly provide Home Visits in Herts & North West London, including Bushey, Radlett, Mill Hill, Finchley, Hampstead and Highgate. |